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Hello! Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog! I created this site to document my work but to also inform people of the work I do. If you would like to discuss a photo session please contact me at aliciaded@aol.com. Thank you for your interest!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Finch's first Christmas

Finch in a box
My sister got a puppy about 3 weeks ago and since I live with her, I consider her my puppy too. Bre (my sister) named her Finch (there is a story behind the name). She is an American Terrier Pitbull. She is far from vicious. She is such a snuggler. She loves to get in the bathtub even when it is not bathtime. So she is silly too. She has been nothing but a joy to add to our family. She is an itty bitty pitty. Here are some photos I took of her right before Christmas. She did not like being in the box (she did get a treat for it though).

My favorite, playing  peek-a-boo

Little Man, Matthew

My good friend, Alexa, asked me if I would take her son Matthew's 9 month photos. I was so excited to see how Matthew has grown! He is adorable and I love his little sausage feet and ankles. I used my parents' newly remodeled home for the shoot since there are so many great textures and colors in the house, not to mention the lighting is great. Alexa shared with me that they took him to JC Penny for his 6 month pictures and the photographer needed him to stay on the red dot so the lighting would be right. Alexa said they got a few good pictures but it was difficult to keep him in one place. He was very happy at my mom's just being able to explore and not have to sit in one place. I love the candid shots the most. Here a few favs....


Looks just like his daddy

Kisses from Mommy

Family of Freemans

My aunt asked me to take a few photos of her family before my cousin, Tasha went back to school in DC. Their dog, Austin, was a good pup for the session.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Unexpected session...the Estee Family

As I was finishing up with the Frase family (see previous post), a woman approached me and asked me if I was a photographer. I was caught off guard...I told her I was an amateur. She explained to me that her photographer didn't show up and she was desperate to get her family's Christmas pictures take today. She asked me if they could hire me to take their photos. I didn't have anything else going on so I rolled with it! At first their 16 month old, Brenden did not want to do anything except splash in the coin pond. So I took that time to photograph 4 year old Colin, who was a ham for the camera. Such a great smile! I learned today that family photos with small children are quite a challenge. It is rare to get everyone looking happy and looking at the camera. Here are my favorites from today's surprise shoot....

Christmas with the Frase Family

Today I met Nikki and Kyle along with their adorable kids Keaton (4) and Cassidy (1) at the Walker Conservatory greenhouse. It was so cold outside today that it was nice to be indoors in a tropical climate. Nikki is so energetic, she was so flexible and open to ideas. The kids were so cooperative. I brought some props and they added a festive feel to the pictures. Here are my favorites...

Sweet Sloane

My friend and co-worker, Brenna, had her little girl Sloane three weeks ago. She was so kind to let me come over and snap some pictures of her sweetie. Sloane is so beautiful even when she is cranky...I learned today that you can't force a picture and if the subject (ie fussy baby) isn't cooperating then you just need to be patient, understanding and know that what you had in mind might not happen. I still captured some great shots. Here are my favorites...